Reduce delivery errors

with Obsecurity.

Secure your addresses with easy-to-use codes.

3 mins

What’s the value?

Online Delivery Illustration

Re​liable deliveries

Ensure your subscription ​reaches the right address​—every time.

Smartphone screen with face id

Seamless ​address upda​tes

Minimize delivery errors with ​real-time address ​management.

Happy  parting together

Better customer ​experience

Keep your customers ​happy with timely, accurate ​deliveries.

How it works

Your customers create a ​unique Obsecurity code ​linked to an address

Manage Obsecurity codes ​for each customer, ​reducing errors

Ensure correct delivery ​every time, even if your ​customer moves

Reduce delivery ​errors

Downwards Looping Arrow

3 mins

Our Mission

To empower individuals and businesses with privacy-​first solutions that simplify address management ​and enhance data security. Our commitment is to ​transparency, trust, and inclusivity—ensuring ​everyone has control over their personal information ​while enjoying peace of mind.